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Beware of the Most Common Holiday Scams

While we may have improved to differentiate between genuine offers and fake ones over the years, we must acknowledge that we are never completely immune. Fraudsters continuously stay one step ahead, constantly devising elaborate schemes to deceive customers or travelers and swindle them out of significant amounts of money.

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By Eglė

Published: jul 20, 2023 min read

Beware of the Most Common Holiday Scams

Wondering how you can protect yourself from falling victim to scams? Here are some essential tips to keep in mind. Firstly, stay cautious and rely on common sense. Scrutinize the source of information and carefully consider what is being requested of you. Stick to established and trustworthy companies, or at least do research, and trust your instincts if something feels suspicious or inauthentic.

Remaining vigilant even when you've reached your destination is crucial. Popular tourist spots often attract pickpockets, so stay alert and safeguard your belongings. ( You may be interested in our blog post about the top scamming countries in the world.) Additionally, be aware that some taxi drivers may attempt to overcharge unsuspecting tourists, so it's wise to be cautious and ensure the fare is fair.

To help you stay informed and protected, here are 5 travel scams to watch out for and tips to avoid falling victim to them before, during, or after your summer holiday.

1.Public WiFi

While hotels, airports, cafes, and various attractions typically provide travelers with secure and private Wi-Fi connections, it's important to note that not all places offer such protection. Some self-catering holiday rentals and public areas do not pay attention to secure Wi-Fi.

When using public networks, there exists a significant risk of sensitive information being intercepted by other users, including scammers. Anything shared over these connections, such as browsing history, location data, and passwords, becomes vulnerable to exploitation. This exposure leaves users susceptible to various risks, including fraud, theft, and malware attacks. Therefore, it is crucial to exercise caution and take necessary precautions when accessing public Wi-Fi networks to safeguard personal information and ensure a safer online experience. That’s why you should also think about protecting your data while traveling with VPN.

What you should do? Your device usually warns you if you’re about to connect to a public network. If you do, never use websites or apps that require personal information, such as your passport number or bank details. Before you book your accommodation, check that the Wi-Fi offered there is a private connection. It’s a brilliant idea to download a VPN (virtual private network) before you travel, too, which encrypts your data and can block third parties from accessing it.

Downloading a reputable VPN provides an extra layer of protection by encrypting your data and safeguarding your online activities during your travels. Stay cautious and implement these measures to ensure a safer and more secure online experience.

Beware of the Most Common Holiday Scams - RatePunk

2.Fake Holiday Rentals Sites

Scammers have become highly skilled at creating counterfeit versions of popular booking platforms like Booking.com or Airbnb. They may even create their own convincing websites with fake listings. Moreover, some even make fake listings on official Airbnbs and when time comes to stay - travelers find that there are no such places they had reserved. There are tons of such cases all around the internet. These fraudulent sites target travelers with alluring last-minute deals and showcase images of legitimate properties obtained from genuine operators. To make matters worse, they often insist on payment through bank transfers instead of debit or credit cards, making it harder to recover lost funds.

How to Protect Yourself? Firstly, book accommodations through reputable companies. Also, opting for a package holiday rather than booking independently can provide added security. Nevertheless, if you choose to book independently, make sure the company or property owner is easily reachable and responsive via email or phone. Verify that valid contact information is provided. If you have any doubts about the property, search for recent reviews online and pay attention to accompanying photos that match the advertised listing.

Whenever possible, use Google Street View to locate and inspect the property's address. This allows you to confirm if it matches the advertised description or if it even exists, as some unfortunate travelers have arrived at their supposed "villa" only to find a construction site.

3.Scammy Taxi

For tourists, a language barrier or unfamiliarity with local fare-pricing systems can make them vulnerable to unscrupulous taxi drivers seeking to take advantage. While taxis are generally well-regulated in popular holiday destinations, with fares accurately tracked on visible meters, some drivers still flout the rules. They may purposely take longer routes, impose inflated fixed rates, or pretend to misunderstand tourists' directions, leading them astray and charging high fares. Sometimes, certain taxi drivers may operate without a valid license altogether, presenting a dual threat of potential financial losses and safety risks for unsuspecting travelers. More details → Scam Alert: How To Not Get Scammed By The Taxi Driver 

Let's talk about how to avoid it. Rather than hopping in the first cab, you see, book with a reputable taxi company (search on the internet, ask in one of Facebook groups, or ask a travel agent before you travel), or have your hotel arrange taxis for you. Also, always ask to see the driver's license if it isn't visible, and ensure they know where to go before you get into the taxi. Similarly, discuss and decide on the fare with the driver before you travel, or confirm how the meter works – it's a lot harder to negotiate once you've arrived and are sitting in their vehicle.

Have a basic understanding of how long the journey will take to try and avoid unnecessary detours. Familiarize yourself with the approximate duration of the trip to avoid unnecessary detours. Being informed about the expected travel time helps you detect any suspiciously prolonged routes the driver takes. Life happens, so if you are scammed, note the taxi's number plate and report it to the local authority.

Beware of the Most Common Holiday Scams - Clicking on Deals scam

4. Hot 'Deals' or Lucky Winners

If an offer seems too good to be true, it often is. Be cautious of enticing deals claiming to be from airlines, tour operators, hotels, or unfamiliar firms, as they may try to obtain your personal information. Scammers use various formats: displaying fake ads on webpages or sending deceptive emails to your inbox. Some might lure you in as "lucky winners," prompting you to "click here" to claim an "exclusive offer."

Here’s how you can avoid being scammed. If you receive unsolicited deals out of the blue, exercise caution and be skeptical. If you doubt the authenticity of an offer, refrain from clicking any links and instead, google the company and only then visit the company's official website to check if the same deal is available there. Carefully look into the sender's details. Scammers email offers usually contain typos, lack essential information, and may have suspiciously shortened URLs or email addresses designed to hide the scammer's true identity. Question how a "company" could contact you; if you have no prior association with them, be wary of how they obtained your information, such as your contact details or personal data.


The oldest tricks in the scammers' book remain trending even nowadays. They often operate in pairs or groups, devising schemes to catch tourists off guard. These schemes might involve a distressed local pretending to need help while an accomplice steals your wallet. Another tactic is thieves on scooters snatching phones from people's hands, or staging a fight to distract holidaymakers while a third thief swipes their bags. Solo travelers are particularly vulnerable targets, especially in busy and well-touristed areas such as public squares or shopping centers.

Our recommendation is to remain vigilant and take extra precautions. Never leave your possessions unattended, and be cautious when accepting help from strangers, especially in crowded tourist areas. If you're exploring the area, consider using a bum bag that can be worn across the front of your body. This way, your valuables are less accessible to potential thieves while you're out and about. I'd also recommend staying humble and not flashy. Keep your shiny accessories at home rather than wearing them cause they may attract thieves. 

Have you ever been scammed? If yes, please share your story in the comment section. 

jul 20, 2023

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