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Introducing Bouillon Restaurants in Paris: Which One to Choose

Paris, the City of Love, is celebrated not just for its iconic landmarks but also for its rich culinary heritage. Among the array of gastronomic experiences the city offers, bouillon restaurants hold a special place.

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By Eglė

Published: Sep 27, 2023 min read

Introducing Bouillon Restaurants in Paris: Which One to Choose

Originally established in the 19th century as affordable dining spots for the working class, these establishments have evolved over time, offering delicious and reasonably priced meals. But with a multitude of options, how do you choose the perfect bouillon? Let’s delve into the world of bouillons and discover which one might be your best pick.

A Brief History of Bouillon Restaurants

The first bouillon was founded by a butcher named Pierre Louis Duval. He aimed to serve meat broths (or 'bouillons') to market workers in need of a quick, hearty meal. Over time, the menu diversified, but the spirit remained: good food at affordable prices. The charm of these establishments, with their Belle Époque interiors and bustling atmosphere, quickly made them popular among both locals and tourists.

Key Features of Bouillon Restaurants

1. Affordability. Bouillon restaurants, true to their origins, prioritize offering value for money. While prices have inevitably risen over the years, they remain significantly cheaper than many Parisian dining establishments.

2. Ambience. Stepping into a bouillon is like taking a journey back in time. Many still retain their original decor, featuring ornate ceilings, mirrors, and wooden furnishings. Just look at this beauty- Bouillon Chartier restaurant. 

Bouillon Chartier - Blouillon restaurants in Paris - ratepunk

3. Simple, Hearty Menu. The dishes served are classic French comfort food. Expect to find items like beef bourguignon, escargot, and roast chicken on the menu.

4. Popularity. These places are almost always bustling, so expect a lively atmosphere. Some don't accept reservations, so be prepared for a wait, especially during peak hours. Well, it’s not surprising because you also need to wait some time if you want to enter Michelin-star restaurants

Do you wonder what kind of dishes are served in Bouillon restaurants? 

  • A few classic appetizers you'll encounter on the menus of Parisian Bouillons include: meat terrine, onion soup, herring with potatoes, hard-boiled eggs with mayonnaise, snails, foie gras. 
  • Main dishes mainly are these: choucroute, fried chicken, boeuf bourguignon, steak and fries, suasages like Boudlin Noir (blood sausage paired with apples); or some fish dishes. 
  • And last but not leaset - desserts: cheese, puff pastries with creme, creme au caramel, lemon cake, and my favourite mousse au chocolat. 

If you're yearning for either savory or sweet delights, Bouillons are ready to serve with their broad selection of timeless French meals. Enjoy everything from the soothing embrace of vegetable broth to the sumptuous pleasure of foie gras at these budget-friendly establishments. (Gosh, I love such places like these). They present an exceptional chance to experience the finest in age-old French cooking. And for those eager to dine in a visually appealing environment, Parisian Bouillons continue to flaunt their breathtaking Art Nouveau designs, offering a feast for the eyes.

Top Bouillon Restaurants in Paris

Lately, Bouillon eateries in Paris have witnessed a renewed wave of interest. These dining treasures have turned into the latest craze, drawing a varied audience in search of genuine tastes and a hint of yesteryears. This is evident from the lines that gather outside during their busiest times.

Next, I'll showcase some of the top Bouillon Restaurants that Paris boasts. Honestly, the list of Parisian Bouillons doesn't extend much beyond the ones mentioned here.

 Bouillon Julien in Paris- top bouillon restaurants

#1 Bouillon Julien

Address: 16 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Denis, 75010 Paris

Official website: HERE 

A gem in the 10th arrondissement, Julien is renowned for its stunning Art Nouveau interiors. Situated in the core of Paris, Bouillon Julien remains a celebrated and iconic Bouillon of the city. Established in 1787, it received a spectacular makeover in 1901, embracing the popular Art Nouveau design of that period.

Recognized as a Bouillon in 1906, Bouillon Julien evolved into a beacon of the Art Nouveau style, mesmerizing guests with its stunning aesthetics. The stained glass, floral motifs, and exquisite lighting make dining here a visual treat. This architectural marvel has consistently retained its genuine allure and stands as one of the finest illustrations of this design style. In its prime, Bouillon Julien was a vibrant spot, attracting both residents and notable personalities, including the renowned Edith Piaf. In 2018, Bouillon Julien underwent a sensitive refurbishment, aimed solely at maintaining its genuine Art Nouveau charm. The restoration was detailed, ensuring each aspect was rejuvenated to its original splendor. So yes, for those looking for a magical dining journey combining history, design, and gastronomy, Bouillon Julien is an excellent choice. 

Bouillon Chartier - best bouillon places in PAris - ratepunk

#2 Bouillon Chartier

Address: 7 rue du Faubourg Montmartre | 59, bd du Montparnasse | 5 rue du 8 mai 1945

Official website:

During my visit to Paris, I stumbled upon Bouillon Chartier, a storied gem nestled in the 9th arrondissement, just a stone's throw away from the Grand Boulevards and the Bourse of Paris. Founded in 1896, still emits the  enchanting Belle Époque spirit. The expansive dining hall, with its soaring ceiling and quaint mezzanine, was a picture of timeless grandeur.

True to bouillons' reputation, Bouillon Chartier showcased an array of ageless French dishes. The servers, donned in period attire, further heightened the vintage ambiance. A delightful quirk during my meal was when the waiter jotted down the bill directly onto the disposable tablecloth, reminiscent of bygone days. Open every day, I learned that Bouillon Chartier welcomes guests till 23:30. Due to its seat-where-you-fit approach, I found myself sharing a table with some fellow travelers, making the dining experience all the more sociable.

Interestingly, owing to its persistent allure, Bouillon Chartier now graces Paris with three locations: 7 rue du Faubourg Montmartre ; 59, bd du Montparnasse and 5 rue du 8 mai 1945. Each spot continues the legacy of dishing out mouthwatering French fare amidst a backdrop soaked in nostalgia.

Bouillon Pigalle - best Bouillon restaurants in Paris - ratepunk

#3  Bouillon Pigalle

Address: 2 Bd de Clichy, 75018 Paris, France

Official website: Bouillon Pigalle 

Located in the trendy Pigalle neighborhood, this bouillon offers a slightly modern twist on the traditional concept. Nevertheless, it wonderfully encapsulates the spirit of 19th-century Bouillons, albeit with a contemporary touch. Their menu showcases a spectrum of classic dishes, astonishingly pocket-friendly with main courses starting at just 10€.

Blending old-world allure with current aesthetics, the restaurant's interiors are a nod to traditional bouillons. Since its inception in 2017, Bouillon Pigalle has rapidly become a sought-after gastronomic hotspot. The vibrant hum of conversation permeates the air, lending the space a vivacious feel. However, those in pursuit of a tranquil dining environment might find it a tad bustling for their taste. While the classic egg with mayo is a staple across Bouillon eateries, Bouillon Pigalle's rendition stands out—so much so that in 2019, they clinched the title of serving the world's finest egg with mayo.

Bouillon Racine in Paris- ratepunk


#4 Bouillon Racine

Address: 3 Rue Racine, 75006 Paris

Official website Bouillon Racine

Located on Rue Racine in Paris's 6th arrondissement, Bouillon Racine is an emblematic fixture of the Quartier Latin. In 1962, a shift occurred when the University of Paris acquired Bouillon Racine, transforming it into a staff dining hall. It wasn't until 1993 that meticulous renovations revived its Bouillon heritage, both architecturally and culinarily. That said, its menu, while rooted in classics, tends to be more sophisticated (and of course- pricier) than its Bouillon counterparts. Bouillon Racine has evolved from its original Bouillon character; it no longer is the go-to for budget meals. Here, traditional French recipes are reimagined with a gourmet touch, distinguishing them from the humble fare of yesteryears.

#5 Le Petit Bouillon Pharamond - best Bouillon restaurants in Paris -ratepunk

#5 Le Petit Bouillon Pharamond

Address: 24 Rue de la Grande Truanderie, 75001 Paris, France

Official website - Le Petit Bouillon Pharamond

Le Petit Bouillon Pharamond, nestled in Paris's Les Halles district, boasts a storied legacy from 1832. Initiated by a Normandy family near the once-thriving "belly of Paris" food market, their mission was to spotlight regional delicacies to the Parisians. Since 2019, Le Petit Bouillon Pharamond has transitioned into a bouillon, featuring classic French cuisine at reasonable rates. Among the offerings is the distinctively Norman Cassolette de Tripes à la mode de Caen, an exotic dish mainly composed of offals. The restaurant welcomes diners daily, from noon to midnight.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Bouillon

  1. Location. If you’re sightseeing, you might want to pick a bouillon near your activities. While all are centrally located, some might be more convenient than others based on your itinerary. And naturally, the better the location, the more people will want to dine in this beautiful place. 
  2. Menu. While the essence of the food remains similar, some bouillons might have specialties or unique dishes that others don’t. Ask waisters about their recommendations. 
  3. Ambience. If you're looking for a specific type of atmosphere, whether it's the authenticity of Chartier or the modern vibes of Pigalle, choose accordingly.
  4. Wait Times. Some bouillons are more popular than others. If you’re on a tight schedule, you might want to avoid places with notoriously long queues or visit during off-peak hours.

Bouillon restaurants embody the soul of Parisian dining, offering a blend of history, ambience, and delectable cuisine without breaking the bank. Whether you’re a history buff, a food enthusiast, or someone looking for an authentic Parisian experience, there's a bouillon waiting for you. Remember to consider factors like location, menu, and potential wait times, and you're bound to find a bouillon that perfectly fits your Parisian adventure.

Sep 27, 2023

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