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Where to Go for New Year 2024 in Europe?

As 2024 approaches, if you're yearning for a New Year's Eve that's as memorable as it is unique, consider steering away from the usual hotspots like Paris, Lisbon, or Athens. Across Europe, many cities offer intriguing and extraordinary festivities that promise a cultural immersion and entertainment unlike any other.

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By Eglė

Published: Nov 06, 2023 min read

Where to Go for New Year 2024 in Europe?

Ringing in the New Year in Europe is amazing because there are big fireworks, fun parties on the streets, and lots of delicious food. Each European city has its own special way of celebrating, so you get to see and try new things. It's a fun way to start the year, seeing beautiful places and meeting new people.

London, England

Celebrating New Year's in London, a city that comes alive with holiday spirit, is an experience like no other. The city sparkles with festive lights, while fireworks dazzle above the Thames, and the streets are alive with parties.The best part? You can join in on most of these celebrations for free! The Southbank becomes a hub of music and fun, and you can catch the fireworks from the famous London Eye.

The city also offers temporary ice skating rinks for some winter fun, and the Christmas markets remain bustling into the early days of January, ensuring London's status as a top winter holiday spot.Need more inspiration, check out VisitLondon page! 

Gdansk, Poland - Where to Go for New Year 2024 in Europe? ratepunk

Gdansk, Poland

Gdańsk might not be as famous as other European cities, and that's what makes it special, especially for celebrating New Year's. This pretty seaside town really shines during the holiday season. It's known for its lovely Christmas markets filled with Polish food and handmade gifts.

Come New Year's Eve, everyone gathers at Długi Targ, or the Long Market, for a big street party with music, fireworks, and lots of snacks and drinks. Make sure to try some local foods like pierogi, which are dumplings, or kiełbasa, a type of sausage, while you're there. End the night with a relaxing walk by the Motława River and enjoy the old-timey feel of Gdańsk. If you want a great New Year's party without the crowds you find in bigger Western European cities, Gdańsk is a great place to go.

Prague, the Czech republic - Where to Go for New Year 2024 in Europe? ratepunk

Prague, the Czech Republic

This enchanting city is a blend of lively culture, exquisite food, and festive joy, perfect for celebrating the new year with a loved one. Wander along the quaint cobblestone pathways of Prague, framed by vividly hued buildings, and pause to take in the breathtaking structures, like the renowned Astronomical Clock in the heart of the Old Town Square.

Consider a serene river cruise on the Vltava for a unique view of Prague's beauty, followed by a delightful dining experience at one of the local eateries. As midnight draws near, join the festivities at Old Town Square to be part of the enthusiastic crowd under a spectacular firework-lit sky. Prague is undoubtedly a premier New Year's Eve spot in Europe, so make your travel and hotel arrangements early, as it's a sought-after destination that fills up quickly! If you won’t make it, read all the reasons why you should visit Prague. If not for New Years Eve, maybe for Easter? 

Madeira, Portugal - Where to Go for New Year 2024 in Europe? ratepunk

Madeira, Portugal

Firework enthusiasts will find a December trip to Madeira a must. The island boasts one of the world's most magnificent fireworks, distinguished enough to be recognized by the Guinness World Records. You can enjoy the orchestral melodies of the Madeira Orchestra on land as the sky lights up or opt for a boat cruise for an unobstructed view of the spectacle from the sea. Before the fireworks commence, meander through the streets of Funchal to witness a city illuminated with twinkling holiday lights, intricate Nativity scenes, and vibrant festive adornments. Personally, I can't imagine a better destination for welcoming 2024! So take some days off, book a trip, and read our guide about what to do & where to stay in Madeira. 

Lisbin Belem Tower, Portugal - Where to Go for New Year 2024 in Europe? ratepunk

Lisbon, Portugal

Ensure you're present in Praça do Comércio, the central square of Lisbon, as the clock strikes twelve to experience the dazzling fireworks and the buzz of live music. Live tunes are a staple of the celebration, especially the strains of Fado, the soulful Portuguese guitar music that is especially cherished on New Year's Eve. Additionally, the iconic Bélem Tower serves as another vantage point for fireworks displays. For those who favor an active celebration, Lisbon offers the Corrida de São Silvestre, a 10 km run through the festively lit streets of the city, occurring in December. You can also check out our Lisbon Guide

Berlin, Germany - Where to Go for New Year 2024 in Europe? ratepunk

Berlin, Germany

The city's vibrant nightlife, buzzing streets, and freedom. How about this kind of vibe for New Year? During the day, take a leisurely walk past the iconic Brandenburg Gate or sip at a cozy café in Alexanderplatz, just like the locals do. When the evening comes, join the energetic crowd at the "Party Mile" on Straße des 17. Juni is alive with live bands, food stalls, and a spirited throng partying into the new year.

For a more secluded celebration, you might want to secure tickets for a New Year's Eve performance, such as one by the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra. But seriously…So why would you go to Berlin if not to party? 

Hogmanay Edinburgh, Scotland - Where to Go for New Year 2024 in Europe? ratepunk

Edinburgh, Scotland

Home to Hogmanay, one of the world's most famous New Year's Eve celebrations. Spanning three days, from December 30th through January 2nd, Hogmanay transforms the city into a festive hub. The celebrations unfold with lively street parties, torchlight processions, a variety of family-friendly happenings, and music concerts featuring headline acts like Franz Ferdinand this year. The festivities reach their zenith with a spectacular fireworks display above Edinburgh Castle. For the daring, January 1st offers a chance to shake off any aftereffects from the previous night's merriments by plunging into the bracing waters of the Firth of Forth. 

Athens, Greece - Where to Go for New Year 2024 in Europe? ratepunk

Athens, Greece

Athens, Greece's heart, offers an exceptional blend of antiquity, culture, and breathtaking panoramas for a memorable New Year celebration. Stand in awe of the Acropolis under the night sky before mingling with the festive crowd at Syntagma Square as the countdown begins.

Feast on Greek favorites like Souvlaki or Moussaka, paired with a glass of the country's fine wine. For a dash of sophistication, find a rooftop bar to enjoy panoramic city views, a cocktail in hand, welcoming the New Year in elegance. Often overlooked for New Year's festivities in favor of its famous islands, Athens serves as more than just a travel junction; it’s a cultural treasure ideal for the holidays. With its milder climate and proximity to warmer locales, Athens is a wise choice for those seeking a historic yet balmy winter getaway.

Whether you're toasting with champagne beneath the Eiffel Tower or dancing to live music in the piazzas of Lisbon, Europe's New Year celebrations are as diverse as they are delightful. So, as the clock strikes midnight and the skies light up, embrace the joy and promise of a fresh start that these European cities offer.

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Nov 06, 2023

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